Blog Posts

Questions and Answers on the COVID-19 Crisis Interview with Beaver Machine President, Bernie What a disruptive and scary time we are living in over the past few weeks. We wanted to reach out to our community and encourage Bulk Vending Machine owners to connect online...
Bulk Vending Machine Business Beaver Tales – Integrity Vending Watch Integrity Vending Interview on Beaver Tales There’s no doubt in my mind that your coin mechs are superior. ~ Trina Monroe, Integrity Vending Beaver Machine will host interviews with bulk...
Bulk Vending Machine Business Beaver Tales – United Vending Service Watch United Vending Service Interview on Beaver Tales “Beaver Machines provides a great variety of different setups so we can mix and match capsules and candy and different size racks that...
Deciding What To Charge or How Much Product To Dispense Two of the most common questions we hear from new clients is “How much should I charge per vend?” or “How many pieces of candy X should I give out each time?” The answers to these questions are directly related...
IAAPA 2015 Thank you to everyone who visited our booth last week at the IAAPA Expo in Orlando. It was wonderful to meet with so many clients, and to see so many new faces. We are happy to announce that the launch of the BMC Universal Technologies Media-Kiosk went very...
This is The Moment Everything Changes If you’ve recently looked at our history page, you may have noticed some new additions to our timeline. We are very excited to move forward into this new era, combining automated retailing with advertising. It is expected over...
IAAPA 2015 in Orlando Florida We will be exhibiting at the IAAPA Attractions Expo this November 17th – 20th, at booth 259. We are very much looking forward to meeting with some of our long time clients, as well as meeting new contacts at the show. For more information...
Vending Machine Servicing Tips – Hygiene It is imperative that the utmost care is taken when handling all vending products and corresponding containers. Follow the instructions in this post to keep your machines in top condition! Take the time to wipe down the...
What is Summer Shutdown and Why Do We Have It? Our annual two week summer shutdown is fast approaching, and as always at this time of year, we have been fielding a number of questions about what summer shutdown is, and why we have it. Traditionally, we have always...
A Message From Our President Welcome to our new Beaver site. We have made every effort to incorporate the many suggestions which we have received over the years as to how you would like to navigate our web site and the content you would like to review. You will find...